
The skies were overcast—the wind blustery. The weather forecast called for snow in southern Illinois. But the real gloom on the horizon was a jaw-dropping prayer call ahead of me.

It was a hectic day on the prayer line. As soon as I hung up one call, another was waiting—all day long. Some days, our prayer team just can’t answer all the prayer calls as they ring. We pray the one in need of prayer will leave a message, so we can return their call.

I missed Jenny’s attempt to contact me, but thankfully, she left her number. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in her message. Reflecting on our last conversation regarding what she and her husband Ted had planned after his retirement, I thought of the blessing this couple was to the body of Christ. Our time on the phone had ended in laughter and prayer for continued peace and joy as they served the Lord. Clueless to the tragic turn of events in her life, I punched in her number.

When she answered, I sensed the heavy weight of her heart. “What’s going on, Jenny?” I didn’t even have to say my name. She recognized my voice immediately, and began to sob.

“Things are not well.” Her tear-crackling voice alerted me to serious trouble. “Ted is dead.”

What? I was shocked. Ted had been in excellent health and exceptional physical shape for a man of 73 years. Had there been an accident?

She continued, “He went out to clear snow from the driveway. I told him to make sure he had his gloves, because it was cold out there. The last thing he said to me was, ‘Okay, Honey,’ then I heard the heavy thud of the front door closing.

“I didn’t think much about the passing time, but finally realized he should be finished, so I went out to check his progress. The driveway was cleared, but as I looked in the direction of our neighbor’s house, I noticed a body lying in the snow. I ran to his side. My darling was motionless, discolored, still holding the snow shovel. I immediately called 911, and I guess I was screaming. My neighbor heard the commotion and came running out. Ted was gone—dead from a massive heart attack.”

What? We hear warnings about the strain that shoveling heavy snow in bitter cold weather places on our hearts, but I’ve never personally known anyone who lost their life at the end of a snow shovel. I couldn’t believe this vibrant, healthy man had died so suddenly and unexpectedly. Honestly, I don’t remember what I said to Jenny at that moment. Maybe I was silent.

“What do I do?” she sobbed, “I’ve asked that a thousand times. I was completely dependent on Ted. He handled all our finances—I don’t even have the passwords to our accounts. What do I do now, J. D.? I am clueless.”

Her vulnerability was obvious. She was emotionally spent, and looking for answers from me.

My thoughts bounced around all over the place, making my mind feel like a pinball machine. A few awkward seconds seemed like a silence too long. Please, Lord Jesus, help me to know what to say to her. I too, felt clueless—in my humanity. But the Holy Spirit brought several Scripture promises immediately to mind that poured some of God’s gentle comfort and peace into the arena of time we were sharing.

“Jenny, God will keep you in perfect peace, if you just keep your mind focused on Him, trusting in Him (Isaiah 26:3). He will strengthen you with the Holy Spirit’s power in your heart (Ephesians 3:16). He says to you, ‘Fear not!’ He will hold your right hand in His righteous right hand, and He will help you (Isaiah 41:10, 13). Blessed are you when you trust in the Lord, and put your hope in the Lord, for He will plant you like a tree planted by the waters. You don’t have to be anxious in this time of drought, because He will protect you from the heat (Jeremiah 17:7– 8). I pray the Lord will direct your heart into the love of God and the patience of Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5). Placing hope in Him does not disappoint. We can eagerly expect God to work on our behalf, because He has poured His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).”

God’s promises had a soothing effect on her grieving and frightened heart. She realized God was not clueless. He would bring her the help she needed—the right people who could help her forward on the right path. He would glue the pieces of her shattered life back together piece by piece. She just needed to bravely put one foot in front of the other, with her hand in His.

In my life, my wife handles all our finances. But, we have planned for the event of an emergency. She compiled a list of all our pertinent account information, and has detailed instructions where to find documents and what steps to take in case I outlive her. Having a plan brings us both some comfort. At least I won’t be clueless if that moment ever arrives.

What about you? Do you have a plan in place? Oh, I’m not just referring to a list of passwords, I’m referring to following God’s plan for eternity—salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

Today is a gift from God. None of us know when our time on earth will be over. If you’re uncertain about your eternal future, I pray that beginning right now you will take the time to get to know Him and the remarkable plan He has provided for you! In His indescribable love for you, He won’t leave you clueless.