Within My Father’s House

“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2. 

Here is a short blog from the heart. Just a few words and a few thoughts of mine. Not much, because events are happening swiftly and I have to be up by 4:30 a.m. Weary, I can barely keep my eyes open this evening, but oh boy is this effort worth it!

Like flocks of doves descending on a field of heavenly grain, they came, and are still coming from around the world to our small town. Many faces, friends, and families. Beautiful music fills the sanctuary, the halls, and our hearts. Earlier today, in the sanctuary, we embraced the joy of the Holy Spirit and offered a healthy dose of praise in return. Yet despite an overflowing crowd whose numbers are beyond anything I have ever seen here in Thompsonville, God’s servants remain diligent while working together to keep things in order and on schedule. It is impossible to not feel blessed by the opportunity to serve at this camp meeting. This is truly the Worship Center.

I recall one lady in her mid 80s who has since fallen asleep in Jesus. She travelled across the country to be at a camp meeting not long ago. A very difficult journey for her. She drove by herself against the will of her family, and when she arrived, she barely made it. Her car was mangled, as if she had collided with a number of things along the way. Her family called 3ABN desperately looking for her, and were relieved to find that she was here, safe. It was obvious, her angel shielded her during her journey.

She arrived at our doorstep homeless, and with no place to stay. When camp meeting was over, we wired her car’s bumper back together with a few clothes hangers, and drove her four hundred miles back home. Against all odds, this dear lady had the urge to come before her days were done, and now she is awaiting her resurrection in Jesus. This is the love that many have for our Lord, and our gathering. It makes the effort all worthwhile. 

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25.

Meeting so many faces from the other side of the camera lens is like a joyous reunion of sorts. A reminder that we are not alone. There are indeed others who share this love for Christ. Thousands of Christians from beyond the lonely cornfields of southern Illinois.

“After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands.” Revelation 7:9.

We have families from California, Russia, and Australia. Brothers and sisters we didn’t even know we had. There are hugs and handshakes, photos and memories. A collage of colors and personalities. But my favorite are the smiles. So many folks just happy to be here, as am I.

With the sun rising in the morning, I’ve never seen the campgrounds so full. What a blessing. Beyond the barking dogs, some playing and some fighting, and the lines for the showers, there’s a sea of tents along Angel Lane. They appear to me like colorful blossoms on an open plain. We counted almost eighty.

This gathering of the saints in many ways reminds me of that glorious day awaiting the faithful in Christ. With one more day to go, I’m exhausted, my back is sore, I have a migraine, and my feet hurt. But I don’t care. It’s been a marvelous journey, and a wonderful few days.