by Finding My Way | Finding My Way
I felt it again the other day. All alone. Even though I was surrounded by people. It’s funny to me how I can still feel that way, even though I’ve been sober for many years, now. In the beginning, I remember feeling wonderful as I realized I was not alone! Other...
by Finding My Way | Finding My Way
For many years, I’ve known that my own sobriety depends on my willingness to seek God’s will for my life and cooperate with Him to help others. It keeps me from becoming self-centered. Some time ago, someone also told me to be kind to everyone I met, because they were...
by Finding My Way | Finding My Way
Anticipation. Wow, does that bring back childhood memories for me! I remember anticipating so many things—birthdays, vacations, a trip to the beach, or some experience that was new or different. How time seemed to drag by as I looked forward to these things. (Maybe...
by Finding My Way | Finding My Way
I’ve been reflecting on how much I love to experiment. There is something deeply satisfying about hands-on experience—digging into things, tearing them apart to see what makes them tick, and learning through trial and error. I’ve always enjoyed the opportunity to...
by Finding My Way | Finding My Way
Just because I’m sober doesn’t mean that life will always be smooth sailing, and perhaps one way to check up on the quality of my sobriety is to notice how I react when life throws me a curveball. It was a beautiful autumn day, the sun was shining, the sky was a...