The Fog of Processing

The Fog of Processing

Our SUV was packed to the brim—all the comforts of home were tucked in tightly to make our three-week stay in a hotel a bit more pleasant. The first thing we loaded were two boxes of Shelley’s latest book, Spotless, to give away during this trip. Pulling out of the...

Through the Darkness

Through the Darkness

Today a magnificent solar eclipse covered our land, a somber moon blotting out the sun for a moment in time. As its golden corona flared, all eyes peered in awe. Every soul was starstruck as the radiant light that we all depended upon was turned to shadow and its...

Gut Feelings

Gut Feelings

How would you define gut feelings? Personally, I think I would have defined them as immediate hunches about people or situations, my sixth sense, intuition. Does that resonate with your definition? I highly value my sixth sense. I am not the only one. I have learned...