by Fuel for Faith | Fuel For Faith
Our SUV was packed to the brim—all the comforts of home were tucked in tightly to make our three-week stay in a hotel a bit more pleasant. The first thing we loaded were two boxes of Shelley’s latest book, Spotless, to give away during this trip. Pulling out of the...
by Fuel for Faith | Fuel For Faith
It was another busy day in 3ABN’s pastoral department. So many hurting souls! As I disconnected from one call, another immediately rang on my extension. Answering, I said, “Pastoral, may I help you?” “Yes, I hope so. My name is Joan* and I’m so very tired. I have...
by Fuel for Faith | Fuel For Faith
It’s fascinating to me how the Lord can create such a strong bond between His children who have never met, but have communicated from the heart in phone conversations. I’ve been blessed now for nearly 20 years to develop deep friendships with many who call the 3ABN...
by Fuel for Faith | Fuel For Faith
What do we do with information received over the “gossip hotline”—especially when it involves a new employer, and your Christian reputation could be at stake? As I filtered through the many requests of the young female caller, that question turned out to be the lump...
by Fuel for Faith | Fuel For Faith
It’s easy to overlook how God enriches our lives through challenging circumstances. Growing up on a farm in central Texas, I was an eager beaver to learn how to operate big equipment, but didn’t always appreciate the hard work expected of me. Now, as I reflect on my...