Conflict Communication – Part 1

Conflict Communication – Part 1

Just because you’ve found a friend, your bud, “soul mate,” spouse, true homie, or kindred spirit doesn’t mean there won’t be trouble. It’s easy to think that the best of friends shouldn’t have to work at the relationship. It should come easily and effortlessly. Yet,...
Gut Feelings

Gut Feelings

How would you define gut feelings? Personally, I think I would have defined them as immediate hunches about people or situations, my sixth sense, intuition. Does that resonate with your definition? I highly value my sixth sense. I am not the only one. I have learned...
Microplastic Removal

Microplastic Removal

The “Out of sight, out of mind” saying is often true, but not when it comes to micro or nano plastics. Last month we looked at how microplastics can enter our body through contaminated air, water, coffee, and food. Some of those foods can be canned goods in which...
Something In Us

Something In Us

When I introduce people to the gut microbiome, I begin by sharing that microbes, such as bacteria, are everywhere. They are not something we can isolate ourselves from. They have been found in the depths of the Mariana Trench and the heights of Mt. Everest. But what I...
Something In the Water

Something In the Water

When I heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch being twice the size of Texas, images of floating trash bags, colorful plastic containers bobbing up and down, and debris as far as the eye could see came to mind. But although my imagination can be quite vivid, it is...