The Space Between

The Space Between

Picture Frenchman, Charles Blondin, crossing the Niagara Falls for the first time in 1859. Above the powerful surging water, he crossed with nothing but his own two feet walking on a 3-inch hemp cord. It is estimated that Blondin made over 300 crossings. And each...


I doubt that few of us have escaped FOMO: that unsettled, undefinable anticipation that perceives self as on the outside, uninvited, and funless. Whether in truth or imagined, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is real.  But what about FOGO? It, too, is an unsettled,...
Butyrate and the Bowel – Part 3

Butyrate and the Bowel – Part 3

If we went back to the beginning of our story—meaning the story of humanity—we’d remember a very important detail: man and woman were both made from the dust of the earth. One of the vital parts of soil that makes it a living, thriving, life-supporting entity is its...
Butyrate and the Bowel – Part 2

Butyrate and the Bowel – Part 2

Butyrate is something that has existed for millennia, unknown and unrecognized. You may ask why bother learning about it now, if we’re doing fine while blissfully ignorant of it. Well, the truth is, that’s the problem. We aren’t doing fine. Some of the symptoms and...
Butyrate and the Bowel – Part 1

Butyrate and the Bowel – Part 1

We all have problems, and seeking to identify the source I think is pretty valuable if we want to correct the issue in the best way possible. We may not be able to pinpoint all the contributing factors, or even be able to dissect deep enough, but the closer we get to...