The slow turning of a ceiling fan. Thin alabaster window shades sway in the breeze of an idle summer’s day. Beyond its gentle sway, I can see our garden blossoming like never before. And beyond that, a vast sea of sprouting corn that extends for miles in many...
Twenty years ago, I met a veteran in Colorado Springs, right after my discharge from the service. Regrettably, I don’t remember his name. He came down out of the Rocky Mountains one day each week to work at the engineering laboratory where I was employed as a new...
“For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14 I think I was standing in a desert, facing a blazing hot sun that seemed larger than normal. But I remember my thirst most of all. As I stood there amid the scattered brush, a dove flew out of the sun...
“I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died.” Romans 7:9 As the world around our home begins to blossom, spring cleaning is almost complete. Trees are trimmed and pruned and the house looks better than ever. Our garden is...
“Real men don’t cry,” I was told yet again, and again, and then again. Sometimes I think being born into a military family might have had a few drawbacks. Nevertheless, all of the men, including my uncles, cousins, and dad, forged ahead and served our...
“There was an old man who was born blind. He lived in the hollow of a tree and he’d never seen the beauty of the world around him. When offered the gift of sight by the missionary doctors, he refused. He said, ‘I am content to simply smell the roses.’ And when asked,...