How to Boost Immunity

How to Boost Immunity

When people ask how to have a healthy immune system, what they typically are looking for is a pill or supplement, something they can add to a smoothie, a food item, or behavior that will give them the security that, Ah, now I have a healthy immune system. But before...

Whatever Makes You Happy – Part 3

Whatever Makes You Happy – Part 3

Thomas Jefferson acknowledged our pursuit of happiness as an inalienable right that every man should be free to pursue. My intention with these articles is to help you in that pursuit as I have observed that we often bark up the wrong tree in our hunt for happiness....

Whatever Makes You Happy – Part 2

Whatever Makes You Happy – Part 2

Whatever-makes-you-happy is something commonly said when we are allowing people to make their own choice on a topic that we may not be in agreement on. When a guy says whatever-makes-you-happy to a girl, he’s probably communicating to her, in an indirect way, that...