There I was again. In an important conversation, but distracted by my cell phone and other activities and noises going on around me. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it very difficult to focus when I need to. It’s frustrating, but at times, I must admit that I’m not truly present when I need to be.

How often have we been with family or friends and wanted to have a conversation with them, only to see that they’ve been looking down at their phone or distracted by something else? But have you ever been guilty of doing the same? I know I have, and as I go through life, I’m beginning to see the great value and importance of being present, especially when someone needs me.

When we give someone our undivided attention it makes them feel special, loved, heard, noticed, and valued. But what about when we are half listening? The message we send is that they are wasting our time, annoying us, or keeping us from something more important. How many times have I done this? Ouch!

Unfortunately, it seems we are quickly losing the ability to be present in our fast-paced society. I’m going to pick on multitasking for a minute. Even though it is hailed by many as a great ability, I would dare say that multitasking actually makes us more scatterbrained and anxious, to name a few disadvantages. 

If someone isn’t capable of multitasking, they might be labeled as an underachiever. Why in the world would I do only one thing at a time when I can do four, six, or even ten? Meanwhile, my pasta is boiling over on the stove as I’m doing a load of laundry, vacuuming the carpet, making a post on Facebook, and talking with a friend on the phone, while I’m writing this blog. How do you think that’s going to work out? It sounds ridiculous, but it’s reality for so many of us. Actually, part of me wanted to do all those things I mentioned, but instead I decided it might be less stressful for my brain to find a mostly quiet room and focus on what was more important at the moment…this article.

This is an area where God is definitely working in my life. He is teaching me to slow down, listen, focus, make eye contact if someone is talking, tune out the other noises around me, and if necessary, shut off my phone. I have found that I have much more peace and presence of mind when focusing on one thing at a time. What a blessing it is! Would you like to join me in an effort to be truly present today?
