During a phone conversation with a 3ABN donor, they shared about the first time they contacted an Adventist church. They were watching Doug Batchelor on 3ABN, were captivated, and eventually reached out to the closest Seventh-day Adventist churches in their area. With their first phone call they received a recording that gave the time and day for Sabbath School (“What’s Sabbath School?”) and church service. However, when they called the second number, the pastor’s wife answered, and when the caller talked about visiting the church, she said, “I’ll meet you at the door.” Wow. Doesn’t that sound warm and inviting? That would take a lot of fear away from a first-time guest coming to an Adventist church.

Maybe you’ve experienced going to a location for the first time, unsure of what to expect behind that “door.” Will people be friendly, welcoming, ensuring that we are made to feel at ease? It may be for that medical appointment, a car repair, a classroom setting, or someone’s home. Some feel trepidation, fear, and anxiety. Just knowing that someone behind the door will be loving and kind goes a long way toward venturing into an unknown situation.

How welcoming are we? God places people in our lives every day. It may be in person, over the phone, through email, or online. Wherever it is that we “meet” people, will we meet them at the door? Will we extend that warm smile and acceptance no matter how they look or act? 

Then I began to think about how God promises to meet us at the door—the door in our life—those times of pain, disappointment, or even after wandering away from Him. A God who loves and is eager for that relationship with us; Someone who yearns for that forever friendship and for us to see Him as He really is—a God of love and compassion. No matter how bad our circumstances or situation may be, we are welcomed with open arms, in extreme happiness that we have come to Him. He never turns us away, but always “meets us at the door” with smiles of joy and happiness—even rejoicing! He is a safe place.

How welcoming is God?  Isaiah 49:15–16 tells us that He will not forget us, and that our names are written on the palms of His hands. How about the story of the prodigal son whose father was waiting, yearning for his son to return? He welcomed him with open arms when they met on that dusty path close to home. You are always on God’s mind; He has promised never to leave or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). We have such a loving and gracious Heavenly Father—He adores you! He meets you at the door.
