In the midst of desolate desert, with Las Vegas, Nevada, just a few hours away, rises the magnificence of Zion National Park. Here, the contrast of burnt orange red hues and white sandstone form gigantic edifices and walls. The intense blue backdrop of the sky, the...
Looking at the Sum from a Broader Perspective
The sum is the answer to an addition problem. This plus that lead to the answer. Over the past couple of months, we’ve been taking a look at our inclination to reductionist thinking. We identified reductionism as our attempt to understand complex things by simplifying...
Multiple Parts that Lead to the Sum
Last month we took a look at our tendency for nutrition reductionism, which we defined as simply looking at food for what individual nutrients it has to offer. For example, bread is a carb, oranges are Vitamin C, milk is calcium, etc. This month, I’d like to expand...