Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice

It’s interesting to sit in a hotel lobby or a waiting room with hurting strangers. Some sit in silence, avoiding eye contact by concentrating on their phones; others have the social grace to acknowledge your presence by a brief nod or the utterance of a soft “hello”...

A Grain of Truth

A Grain of Truth

Rolling plains of durum wheat, grown especially for my favorite pasta dish. Or perhaps a field of sweet organic corn stretching as far as the eye can see? My wife loves corn. In another life I would have enjoyed a farmstead or a ranch, I think. I’m rather perplexed...

Another Trip Around the Sun

Another Trip Around the Sun

I recently celebrated another year of sobriety, and as always, I got a chance to take a good look at what has happened—as well as what hasn’t happened—during the past year. I remember my first sobriety anniversary. I was a nervous wreck, to put it mildly. I couldn’t...