A Grain of Truth

A Grain of Truth

Rolling plains of durum wheat, grown especially for my favorite pasta dish. Or perhaps a field of sweet organic corn stretching as far as the eye can see? My wife loves corn. In another life I would have enjoyed a farmstead or a ranch, I think. I’m rather perplexed...

Another Trip Around the Sun

Another Trip Around the Sun

I recently celebrated another year of sobriety, and as always, I got a chance to take a good look at what has happened—as well as what hasn’t happened—during the past year. I remember my first sobriety anniversary. I was a nervous wreck, to put it mildly. I couldn’t...



In the midst of desolate desert, with Las Vegas, Nevada, just a few hours away, rises the magnificence of Zion National Park. Here, the contrast of burnt orange red hues and white sandstone form gigantic edifices and walls. The intense blue backdrop of the sky, the...