My Source of Strength

My Source of Strength

A few weeks ago, I received a phone call. The one I had thought about for so many years. I had always wondered how I would react when I got it. And I found out. My father was just a month or two shy of his ninetieth birthday when he came down with COVID, but...

Microplastic Removal

Microplastic Removal

The “Out of sight, out of mind” saying is often true, but not when it comes to micro or nano plastics. Last month we looked at how microplastics can enter our body through contaminated air, water, coffee, and food. Some of those foods can be canned goods in which...

Make Your Call and Election Sure

Make Your Call and Election Sure

It’s fascinating to me how the Lord can create such a strong bond between His children who have never met, but have communicated from the heart in phone conversations. I’ve been blessed now for nearly 20 years to develop deep friendships with many who call the 3ABN...