Endurance Training for Life’s Marathon

Endurance Training for Life’s Marathon

I’ll never forget the first time Shelley and I met Rachel.* With sparkling eyes that reflected the Lord’s love, she enthusiastically embraced us as a brother and sister-in-Christ. Rachel was one of those overachievers who do all things well. A true handmaiden of the...

A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14 I think I was standing in a desert, facing a blazing hot sun that seemed larger than normal. But I remember my thirst most of all. As I stood there amid the scattered brush, a dove flew out of the sun...

Oh, I’m Unique Alright…

Oh, I’m Unique Alright…

One of the pitfalls alcoholics in recovery seem to fall into from time to time is that we feel we are so unique that no one can possibly understand us. However, that feeling can only lead to self-pity, and isolation—two things I avoid like the plague. Although I...