Lessons from the Land
It’s easy to overlook how God enriches our lives through challenging circumstances. Growing up on a farm in central Texas, I was an eager beaver to learn how to operate big equipment, but didn’t always appreciate the hard work expected of me. Now, as I reflect on my...
This Side of Time
“‘… Have you seen the treasury of hail, which I have reserved for the time of trouble …?’” Job 38:22–23. A faithful friend of our family sits patiently above our fireplace mantel, its golden pendulum swaying back and forth, unabated for the past decade. Like a...
It had been about a year since it was cold enough to move all my back porch plants indoors, and I’d been thinking about it, but putting it off. (Yes, I still must get some twisted pleasure out of procrastination—which is really sloth in five syllables—especially...