The Battered Easel
On a daily basis, people who lament not knowing how they can work in God’s harvest fields call our Pastoral Department. Not all are called to preach the Word, and not all are physically capable of going door-to-door to pass out Christian literature. I generally ask...
Mourning Light
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 How much should I share? I don’t want to say too little. I definitely don’t want to share too much.You see, I was quite different back then. You’d barely recognize me. Surrender and meekness was...
Looking at the Sum from a Broader Perspective
The sum is the answer to an addition problem. This plus that lead to the answer. Over the past couple of months, we’ve been taking a look at our inclination to reductionist thinking. We identified reductionism as our attempt to understand complex things by simplifying...