Who or What Are We? 

Who or What Are We? 

Although she was a stray, she was a beautiful cat with long, luxurious black fur. Her bright green eyes, sparkling like emeralds, earned her the name of Bijoux. Because she preferred to live outdoors, when it came time to have her spayed, she had to remain in the cat...

Before I Call, He Answers

Before I Call, He Answers

“It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 “J. D., I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams. God is so good! Who do you know that is having a difficult financial time? I want to share some of...

The Blacksmith

The Blacksmith

Camp meeting time is my favorite time of the year because the 3ABN family comes together from around the world to worship, sing, and glorify the Lord. I have to admit how much I truly enjoy the camaraderie, the music, and the gathering of the saints; but not my aches...