Performance Versus Relationship
The following entry was written by a young 3ABN employee. Ben Lingle is a talented member of our 3ABN production team, heading up our audio engineering. Describing himself as a “photographer by choice, and musician by chance,” he has chosen to use his talents for the...
The Ministry of Listening
I’m a Texan. We’re known for “story swapping”—one person after the other sharing related stories. Sure, sometimes it seems that people are trying to “best” the last speaker, but that’s not really what it’s about—it’s a cultural thing. I’m a man. The male species has...
Conquering Chaos
Chaos—pick a day, and you will likely encounter, at minimum, a trace of it. You can plan for it, have your ducks all in a row, but invariably, one of those ducks will have a catastrophe or make another duck mad, and suddenly that well-laid plan throws life into utter...