In my ongoing search for wisdom, I’ve found many helpful tips that offer direction for facing dilemmas and making decisions. Humans have lived a long time; surely, they’ve learned all there is to know, and man’s wisdom makes life easier. But on any given day, you’ll find nothing is further from the truth; each generation seems to start from scratch, clueless as to how life works. 

Although I could share humanity’s manufactured formulas offering keys to a successful life, nothing can supersede the wisdom of God’s Word and the words of Jesus Christ. His Word is our source of life and it is our privilege to share it with the world so they can know the love of Christ. 

Some of the first verbal wisdom of Jesus Christ is in Matthew 4:4, after being baptized and before publicly fulfilling his commission. Here we read of a confrontation in which Jesus defends himself against the enemy. The Spirit of God had led Him into the desert to be tested and tempted in an intensive, rigorous training—a spiritual boot camp, yet this was a full-on battle with the opposition. These forty days of extreme warfare were made more intense by Jesus’ fasting—total starvation in order to focus His mind on His Father’s will.

As dumb as Satan was to have thought he could tempt God, Jesus didn’t utilize his God-advantage during this temptation. He fought like He wanted His followers to fight, using the same resources that we, as Christ’s followers, have today: the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Satan knew what this trial period was all about, and he knew Jesus was sure to be famished. So he tested Him by reminding Him of His power, as God’s Son, to turn rocks into dinner rolls. But Jesus responded, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”

Think of a time when you’ve needed God to provide for you beyond what you were able to provide yourself. Did Satan persuade you to meet the need in your own way and your own time, not considering God’s way or His timing? Did you cave to the temptation? 

It sounds so elementary, but our heavenly Father knows what we need, and because we are His children, we should know and trust His Word. By claiming God’s promises and believing He will come through for us, we can silence the fear and doubt of Satan.

Perhaps we’ve heard this so often that it’s become humdrum and lost its effectiveness, or else we simply trust in ourselves and have become self-sufficient. If this is you, ask God to restore your hunger to know His Word, to fill you with the trust that He has everything under control in your life, and to believe that He will provide and meet every need you have. 

Jesus trusted his Father’s truth and timing, His will, and His ways. 
Wisdom knows God’s Word and trusts God’s timing and will for your life.
Walk in that wisdom.
